Improve your brand with our graphic design agency in Switzerland

Do you want to leave a lasting impression on your customers? Count on Swiss Helden. Swiss Helden is a professional graphic design agency in Switzerland that creates creative and logical designs. Our experienced graphic designers combine creativity and strategy to strengthen your brand.
We are dedicated to designing visually stunning graphics for your website and other platforms.

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Empowering Your Online Presence

Tailored Web Development Services Switzerland

We develop custom websites to reflect your brand, engage your audience, and boost conversations. Use the knowledge of our web development agents Switzerland to have great online experiences. We are a full-service web development company that has been around for several years. Our talented web developers Switzerland work hard to make websites that look amazing and are easy to use. These websites not only capture the essence of your brand but also give visitors a great experience.

Tailored Web Development Services in Switzerland

Building Digital Success Stories

Custom web development

Web development involves developing personalized websites using the latest technologies. Our expert web developers in Switzerland tailor every aspect of your website. They make sure that the user interface and functionalities of the website are adapted to your brand identity and business requirements. From initial design to final deployment, our expert team works with you to develop a custom website.

Website Maintenance

Website maintenance is essential to keep your website optimized and flawless. We offer comprehensive website maintenance services to keep your site running smoothly. Our expert web development crew efficiently handles updates, security checks, backups, and performance optimization. If you want to keep your website in top-notch condition, rely on our web development agency in Switzerland.

E-commerce web development

Step into the world of online marketplaces with our e-commerce web development services. We build user-friendly, secure, and scalable online stores that enhance the shopping experience. From product listings to payment gateways, we provide all the features you need to succeed in the digital marketplace. We highly focus on making your e-commerce website user-friendly, SEO-friendly, and responsive.

WordPress development

If you want to build a website on the WordPress platform, rely on our expert web developers. We have a dedicated team of WordPress developers who have high expertise in their fields. Whether you need a simple business website or a complex e-commerce store, we have expertise in creating versatile and robust WordPress websites. We also provide reliable maintenance service to keep your WordPress site secure and updated.

Beauftragen Sie unsere erfahrenen Designer

Unvergleichliche Kreativität und Fachkompetenz

Swiss Helden zeichnet sich als eine der führenden Grafikagenturen für den Bezirk Zürich aus. Wir verstehen Ihre Marke genau, bevor wir die Website, die mobile App oder andere visuelle Materialien entwerfen. Das hilft uns, personalisierte visuelle Materialien zu erstellen, die Ihre Marke in der Online- Welt einzigartig repräsentieren. Mit einem Fokus auf Qualität und Kreativität helfen wir Ihrer Marke, einen bleibenden Eindruck zu hinterlassen.

Our Approach

Our Design process ensures excellence ate every step

Research and discovery

We engage intensively with your brand, your industry and your target audience to gain insights and develop design goals.

Conceptualization and iteration

Our designers develop and refine design concepts and work with you to ensure they meet your expectations.

Execution and refinement

We bring your visions to life by creating visually appealing designs and refining them to perfection.

Elevating Your Online Presence

Our Web Development Agents Switzerland Deliver Top-Notch Services

Our talented web development agents Switzerland deliver excellent web solutions by fusing creativity and technical know-how. To keep your website competitive, we make use of the newest tools and technologies. Our websites are exceptionally fast, scalable, and able to handle heavy traffic.

Web Development

Tools that we use for Web Development

Find Your Perfect Plan

Discover the ideal plan to fuel your business growth. Our pricing options are carefully crafted to cater to businesses.


from CHF 20 000 to approx. 50 000

On Request


from CHF 50 000 to approx. 100 000

On Request


from CHF 100 000 to approx. 200 000

On Request


from CHF 19900


from CHF 24900


from CHF 39900

Warum uns beauftragen?

Unvergleichliche Kreativität und Fachkompetenz

Die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden zeugt von der Kreativität und Qualität unserer Arbeit. Wir bei Swiss Helden sind stolz darauf, aussergewöhnliche Grafikdesign-Dienstleistungen zu erbringen, die die Erwartungen übertreffen. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie zufrieden unsere Kunden sind, besuchen Sie unseren Portfolio-Bereich und sehen Sie sich unsere erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Projekte an.

Von kleinen Unternehmen bis hin zu Grosskonzernen vertrauen unsere Kunden darauf, dass wir ihre Visionen zum Leben erwecken. Unsere Grafik Design Agentur Zürich hat viele positive Bewertungen von


Everything you would like to know

How long does it take to make a website?
The time frame varies based on how complicated the project is, but we guarantee effective delivery. Our team of skilled web developers and designers works closely together to speed up the process of making software. Our web development agents Switzerland put a high priority on clear communication and good project management to make sure the website is developed on time.
Yes, we have complete packages for website maintenance services that will keep your site up-to-date and safe. As part of our maintenance services, we make regular backups, update security, add new content, and fix bugs. To give your visitors the best experience possible, it is important that your website is always working and up- to-date.
Unbedingt! Wir bieten SEO-freundliche Web-Entwicklung Dienste Schweiz, damit Sie ein großes Publikum erreichen. Wir führen Keyword-Recherchen durch, optimieren die Meta-Tags und den Inhalt Ihrer Website und beschleunigen die Ladezeit Ihrer Website, damit sie in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen besser platziert wird.
Wir wissen, wie man zuverlässige E-Commerce-Websites erstellt, die den Umsatz steigern und die Kunden glücklich machen. Unsere Web-Entwickler Schweiz werden eng mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten, um die einzigartigen Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens zu verstehen, damit sie eine E-Commerce-Plattform erstellen können, die zu Ihrer Marke passt und Ihnen hilft, Ihre Geschäftsziele zu erreichen.
Yes, all of our websites are made with responsive designs so that they look best on all devices. This means that your website will adapt to whatever device is being used to access it, whether it is a desktop, a mobile phone, or a tablet. Our talented web developers Switzerland will make sure that your website looks great and works well on all sizes of screens.

Got some queries?

Tell us your vision, and our team of digital marketing experts will bring it to life through innovative digital solutions.

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